
Ornaments 2023

Christmas Tree Ornament Competition

Thinking Inside the Box
Caralyn Jeffs
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Good Winner

Crocheted Lee Building
Freya Haaland Bjorno
While Not Wow, This Ornament is Cute + Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Good Winner

Whitney (An Office Dog)
Breana Chabot
Pretty, Pretty Good Winner

DJA Ornament Stamp
Jesse Nguyen
Pretty Good Winner

Microfibre Pine Tree Ornament (Fragrant Green)
D’Arcy Jones
Execution: Nope/Idea: Yes Winner

Branch Pants
Jonny Leger
You Had to Be There Winner

These ornaments are entries in our studio’s annual ideas competition. The objects must fit in a 4”x4”x4” box, not be edible, and be able to hang from a tree. In the dark days of winter, this serious tradition lets loose our studio’s craftsmanship, conceptual rigour, whimsy, and in-jokes.