Christmas Tree Ornament Competition
Thinking Inside the Box
Caralyn Jeffs
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Good Winner
Crocheted Lee Building
Freya Haaland Bjorno
While Not Wow, This Ornament is Cute + Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Good Winner
Whitney (An Office Dog)
Breana Chabot
Pretty, Pretty Good Winner
DJA Ornament Stamp
Jesse Nguyen
Pretty Good Winner
Microfibre Pine Tree Ornament (Fragrant Green)
D’Arcy Jones
Execution: Nope/Idea: Yes Winner
Branch Pants
Jonny Leger
You Had to Be There Winner
These ornaments are entries in our studio’s annual ideas competition. The objects must fit in a 4”x4”x4” box, not be edible, and be able to hang from a tree. In the dark days of winter, this serious tradition lets loose our studio’s craftsmanship, conceptual rigour, whimsy, and in-jokes.