Christmas Tree Ornament Competition
Ghosts of Projects Past
Nuala O’Donnell
First Place Winner
Christmas Snake
Carl F. Waller
Second Place Winner
Look Both Ways (Shane)
Jonny Leger
Third Place Winner
Sprout Sale
Chloe Belanger
While Not Deep, It Is Cute Winner
Bird Nest
Andrea Zittlau
It Is Hard To Believe An Architect Made It Winner
Too Cheesy?
Caralyn Jeffs
It Is A Trainwreck Winner
These ornaments are entries in our studio’s annual ideas competition. The objects must fit in a 4”x4”x4” box, not be edible, and be able to hang from a tree. In the dark days of winter, this serious tradition lets loose our studio’s craftsmanship, conceptual rigour, whimsy, and in-jokes.